The test suite uses a slightly modified version of Sundae to perform the reference tests. Each test loads any necessary files, executes the reference test, uploads the results to the server by way of an HTTP get request, and then forwards the browser to the next page in the test sequence.
The server has two perl scripts on it. One of the scripts stores the results of tests in an SQLite database and can also create the database if it does not exist. The other script generates the HTML page that shows the test results.
The results page uses jQuery UI with the Datatable plugin to turn a normal HTML table into one that has re-arrangeable rows (to make them easier to compare) and has sortable table headers.

Please let me know about any comments you have. I'm still trying to determine the best way to show the performance results- the current system of just showing the FPS seems hard to read. And a lot more information could be gathered about the computers that are submitting the tests- at the moment only the IP address and user agent are recorded. I intend to add detail pages that show the test results from all of the computers that make up a given user agent, as well as one that shows a timeline of test results for a given test. This should help in analysis of the test results.
At the moment though I believe that it's a very good test suite for C3DL because the only thing needed to run the test is to visit the web page- there is no need for any sort of deployment which means it should scale extremely well and allow us to test on a multitude of platforms. Try it out and tell me what you think. I'm very interested in expanding the test suite so that it can be used for any sort of HTML canvas related testing.
I seem to be failing out the ref tests big time on home machine. I can see clearly some differences between the screen shot and the rendered image on my machine. I'm not sure why this is though. I dont think I have same issue on my laptop. Will investigate more over weekend.