Sometimes you experience really poor performance in your JS applications. The causes of these performance issues can be very unintuitive, and you can't always find them by staring blankly at the code for hours on end. This post is how you might go about finding your problems so that you can fix them
You can see nightly builds of Mozilla Firefox right here. You can see that one of them is labelled as shark, as seen in this image.

This build of firefox has been made to work properly with the OS X application Shark. If you have it installed then it is at /Developer/Applications/Performance Tools/, otherwise you'll have to grab Xcode from here. Note that these instructions are for Mac OS X users only!
Once you have that shark-enabled version of firefox you should run it and navigate to whatever

The analysis window looks like this:

You can expand the functions in the symbols section to see what they are doing inside- in this case our most heavy functions are all doing WebGL related work, which is good. You want to avoid situations where a large amount of performance is spent on a XUL or page re-drawing related functions, indicating that you are re-drawing a page a lot more than you should be.
You can also view the test results in tree mode, like this:

This gives you another way of looking at the results, where big changes in the time % indicate where time is being spent- in this case it's in WebGL related functions, which is again good. Using these specific screenshots we can see that we aren't doing mistakes related to re-rendering the web page repeatedly or something like that, but our performance was still terrible.
So we must look in a different way for our results. Firefox uses Javascript engines like Jaegermonkey (I'm not very knowledgeable about these yet, so you should look for information on them elsewhere) to compile JavaScript code into machine code that runs much, much faster than the interpreter does. But it can't always compile JS code, such as if it hits long series of if-else statements, and if it decides it's not worth compiling your JS code then it will go back to the interpreter and you will go orders of magnitude slower.
To find out when it's doing this is a slightly more complicated process.

Step one is to download a debug-enabled build of firefox. You can find them right here. You're looking for a folder that is like the one in the screenshot, but has a more recent date.
Step two is to cry about the speed

Step three is to open up Terminal and go to to wherever you just installed that debug build. The .app file contained in mine was called Tumucumaque for trademark reasons. Once there you'll want to run the following command without the quotes: "TMFLAGS=minimal,abort JMFLAGS=abort -profilemanager > /tmp/log 2>&1"
This will dump stderr and stdout into /tmp/log. The actual output that will be placed there is from the tracemonkey and jaegermonkey engines, and can be used to show all the errors and

You can quite firefox once it has been running for a little while and then do a "cat /tmp/log | grep Abort" in Terminal to get a list of all the places where jaegermonkey or tracemonkey decided to start flinging poop at the walls instead of working hard on compiling your javascript. It may look something like this:

That highlighted bit looks interesting. The line that it is on is telling me that firefox gave up and went back to the interpreter at that location. I wonder why?
Well, when we open up that file and look at line 9068 we see this:

Now, you might say to yourself "Hey, self, this looks like the type of loop that the monkeys can't handle!" And it is. The first time that loop goes through the monkeys compile code that runs that code path. Then it goes through again and has to re-compile to include that extra path your code took because it did a different branch of the if-else tree. Repeat until the monkeys stop optimizing and the interpreter steps in. Given that this it the main rendering loop of C3DL this is a very bad place for that to happen.
Now your job is to re-write that loop in a way that the monkeys can handle. You'll want to replace those if-else statements with something better, like a switch statement or a javascript object that has functions with names that match your conditions, so you can do things like call the AABB function in that object instead of checking if culling === "AABB".
When the monkeys stop complaining about that loop you should see a large performance increase.
thanks for putting this in writing
ReplyDeleteFor some further reading on the various kinds of JIT engines in today's browsers, have a look at